
The Tea Room was, and remains, one of the best resources for discipline fiction on the web. I'm sad that it's no longer updated, and hasn't been for some time. 

Tarabeth, who ran the Tea Room, deserves the highest praise for the dedication and work she put into the site. I don't know what happened, though I know from experience that life does have a way of intruding on things.

If you ever happen to read this, Tarabeth, thank you so much for all the hard work you did and the effort you put into creating a community for writers and readers in this, ahem, unique genre. With the demise of Yahoo groups, there are fewer places for us to gather. 

I remember my time on groups like Paddywhacks and Rod and Slipper with great affection. I met loads of like-minded people and had a lot of fun. It was a great place to learn about discipline relationships in all their guises and to try and understand the draw in a personal sense.

Julnick fiction and the Rod and Slipper Archive don't seem to have valid links any more, but I'll leave them up in the hope that anyone who has a newer link will let me know.

I also remember with great affection a magical place called The Porch, where a host of wonderful writers in this genre were showcased. Writers like Frost Spinner and Bosephus, among many. I just about burst with pride when I was granted my own little place on The Porch. I think a lot of the writers can still be accessed through The Tea Room.